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My 10 Weekly Wellness Rituals

Writer's picture: clairemariekallettaclairemariekalletta

Sometimes it's hard to juggle everything in life - the combination of your job or schoolwork, your social life, and just simply going through the motions can be exhausting and sometimes we neglect our own mental, physical, and emotional health. Keeping your personal health and wellness in check should always be viewed as a priority that must be completed in order to succeed.

It's human nature to loose track of things. Therefore, as I would for tasks at work or a grocery shopping trip, I began to start writing a weekly wellness checklist. If I had enough time and energy, I would do each of these things everyday. But because I too get overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of life, I try to scratch off all of the tasks below once a week and strive to make them all more frequent daily habits. Since implementing this list into my life, I have felt much more happy, grounded, and on track with my mind, body, and spirit.


1. Read Something Useful

Weather it's a book about nutrition, success in the working world, or a blog post about the next big supplement craze - try to keep learning in life. No matter who you are - you don't know it all and there is always room for improvement. No matter what the subject matter, read something useful - something related to your career, your health goals, or even your financial goals and use it to better yourself.

2. Sweat, Deeply

I'm not talking about working up a sweat on the treadmill - I mean a deep, drenched, dripping wet sweat. If you've experienced it you know after a real good sweat it feels like someone just picked the world up off your shoulders and you can finally take a deep breath and relax. At least once a week I make myself check this off - and it is honestly more so for the emotional and mental benefits as opposed to the added benefits of releasing yucky toxins from your body. My favorite places to do this are at hot yoga, an infrared sauna session at Higher Dose, or hot pilates (my favorite of course).

3. Get Some Sun

This should really be a daily must-do as opposed to a weekly one, but sometimes NYC weather doesn't agree. Therefore I really try to get outside for at least an hour a day when the weather has my back. Some days it's a really long run and other days it's a slow, slow walk to the nearest coffee shop - but what matters is that I'm out there, breathing in the fresh, food cart filled air and it feels good. Getting outside helps me not only relief stress and amp up my vitamin D - it also sparks my creativity and concentration.

4. Eat a Plant Based Meal

I am in no shape or form a vegan or vegetarian, yet almost all of my meals are completely plant based with the addition of an animal protein source such as salmon or eggs. Although these have great health benefits, a couple times a week I enjoy the light and fresh feeling of replacing my usual go-to salad with a plant based smoothie bowl or veggie dish with some nuts and seeds. It's simple, refreshing, and helps me maintain a diet balanced in vitamins and antioxidants that help combat stress and toxins.

5. Cardio

Not fun for most by any means, but I have learned to love cardio. Running daily truthfully does not really benefit me physically as much as lifting or other fat burning workouts would - but it HAS helped my mental health tremendously. From the simple act of getting my butt moving, I have seen more sunsets and sunrises, sparked new creative ideas, and generated more self accountability and discipline by setting goal milages and refusing to stop until they are reached with persistance. Besides getting self discipline more under control and burning some extra calories, cardio also helps keep you young - strengthening muscles, lungs, and your heart - both mentally and physically :).

6. Drink Something Cleansing

I try to get my apple cider vinegar dosage in daily, yet sometimes my body really needs something a bit more cleansing. As hard as we may try, sometimes it's no fun to resist food trucks, happy hour, or a night ending with a sweet treat (these are acts of self care / love too)! Therefore, once or twice a week I like to give my digestive system some tender love and cleansing care. I have many different go-to daily cleansing agents like probiotics and digestive enzymes, but once a week I do something a bit more. Lately I have been loving Dirty Lemon cleanse drinks, throwing charcoal powder in my smoothies, and my lovely Teaonic teas.

7. Sleep In

I don't know a single soul who has a full time job or is a full time student that gets a real, true 8 hours of sleep 7 nights a week. Therefore, once a week I refuse to set an alarm and let my body awake naturally. Most days I'm still up before 9, but the feeling of knowing my body wasn't forced to activate is quite calming and refreshing. There are honestly also days I wake up at 1pm thinking what time is it? Where am I? And these days are even better, knowing I clearly really needed that extra few hours.

8. Ab Workouts

Yes, abs ARE made in the kitchen, yet having a muscular, toned core doesn't only benefit your bikini bod. Strong abdominal muscles also protect your internal organs and central nervous system. Plus, an extra buildup of fat cells on your abdomen can actually have a significant impact on your metabolism and how quickly your blood flows to your liver. Visceral fat cells can start to build up around your organs as well, leaking fatty acids and other harmful discretions into your liver. This not only slow downs your livers ability to metabolize fat cells in a quickly manner, it also heightens blood sugar. This two-for one combo is not a steal but rather a squeal for help. I mix my ab workouts up daily but I see the quickest results when I incorporate an ab wheel, stagnant holds like side planks, and weighted ab workouts like sit ups with a medicine ball. Usually I throw in a sweaty hot pilates class a few times a week or at least do a 10 minute video after my runs to make sure my metabolism stays kicking booty.

9. Write IT Down

Whatever IT is, if IT's important write IT down! IT could be anything from reminding yourself not to forget pumpkin seeds at Trader Joes to a deep, emotional thought or feeling. I constantly find myself jotting down everything from cute outfits I see on the street to a longterm goal on the next page. I feel like once I put it on paper it makes those thoughts, ideas, and goals come to life as an actual physical thing staring back at me. The visual words make it much easier to remember and harder to neglect.

10. Treat Yourself to Health

Once a week - buy that new hydrating lip balm or face mask, get your gel manicure and pedicure done, or splurge on that expensive, super good for your hair shampoo. Yes, that $15 healthy chopped salad or $30 face cream IS money well spent because it not only makes you feel good - it makes you look good too. Looking good and being kind to your body means feeling good about yourself. Treating yourself to these little healthy luxuries is an essential form of self respect.

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